


[ /de’zīn/ ]

A plan created to visualize the look, function and workings of an element before it is produced. The purpose, planning, or intention that exists behind an action, fact, or material object.

Brampton Special Needs Hockey Pins

Project description:

We’ve done many types of work over the years and once in a while an out of the ordinary project comes along. The challenge here was to modify the existing Brampton Battalion Hockey logo and adapt it for the Brampton Special Needs Hockey Club. We had permission to use the ‘Sarge’ visual portion but could not use the copyrighted ‘Battalion’ name. We created attractive pins that were traded by athletes at their annual Special Hockey International Tournament. Pin trading is a BIG deal at this gala where over 2,000 athletes participate yearly. These pins are now valuable collector’s items since the Brampton Battalion team moved to North Bay, Ontario